
Non-Preferred Catering

As you know, we highly suggest working with one of our Preferred Caterers for your wedding. However, we understand that couples will sometimes want to explore other options. We’ve created a guide on ensuring that your day runs smoothly even if you decide to go with a non-preferred caterer.

#1. Make sure that you are only looking into “full service” catering companies.
Caterers must be able to provide service staff for setup and cleanup, table glassware, dinnerware, plating the food, serving the food, etc. (Many companies offer “drop and go” catering. This will not suffice to meet the requirements for catering at The Bridge Lemont.)
#3. Make sure that they are able to provide a Certificate of Insurance listing The Bridge Lemont LLC and 308 Canal LLC as additionally insured up to $1,000,000 per incidence.
This is a requirement for all vendors when working at The Bridge Lemont. Any professional vendor should have no problem providing a COI with other businesses listed as additionally insured on their policy.
#4. Make sure they are able to have service staff through the end of the evening.
Our preferred caterers always have staff that stay through the end of the wedding to ensure that it is cleaned up. Some "caterers" believe that their job is over when dinner is over.
#5. Make sure that their pricing and proposal aligns with OUR requirements before determining whether or not it fits within YOUR budget. (Don't forget to build in the outside catering fee).
Some caterers are not familiar with the intricacies of catering a wedding. Wedding Catering requires much more equipment, staff, and management than your average “event”. This can cause some of the elements required to be missing or non-existent in proposals provided to you. If the proposal looks too good to be true, it probably is!
#6. If you are confident that the criteria we have laid out are easily met, please connect us so that we can initiate the approval process.
We must do our due diligence to ensure that these outside caterers are able to execute your wedding as efficiently as any of our preferred caterers do.
Approval Process - Step #1
We do initial research into the company. This includes reviewing their website, online reviews, and other social media presence.
Approval Process - Step #2
We schedule an official walkthrough of the space with a lead representative of the caterer or owner of the company. This is where we confirm that they are capable of catering your wedding at The Bridge Lemont.
Approval Process - Step #3
We ensure that the company is willing to agree to our terms in writing so that both parties are on the same page when it comes to the expectations that need to be met on the day of the wedding.

There are far more caterers that are NOT going to be able to meet our criteria than those that are. We have hand picked our caterers because they are some of the best in the industry here in the Chicagoland area. They know what it takes to run an efficient wedding and have done so countless times. Over 80% of our couples choose one of our preferred caterers!

Take a look below at some of the reviews our caterers have!